looking up the trunk of a tree

Science & Sustainability

Let’s make change happen

A solution isn’t a solution if it isn’t sustainable. We are connecting and collaborating to find new options for materials that make life better for everyone.

Environment, Health & Safety

At Dow, protecting our employees, our communities and the environment is part of everything we do and every decision we make.

Responsible Care®

Dow continues to be a global champion of Responsible Care® and has worked to broaden the application and impact of Responsible Care® around the world through engagement with suppliers, customers and joint venture partners.

2025 Sustainability Goals

We have embarked on the third stage of our sustainability journey with our ambitious 2025 Sustainability Goals. We are collaborating with like-minded partners to advance the well-being of humanity by helping lead the transition to sustainable planet and society.

  • Leading the blueprint icon

    Leading the blueprint

    We will help lead the transition to a sustainable planet and society, including the development of societal blueprints that integrate public policy solution, science and technology, and value chain innovation.
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  • Advancing a Circular Economy icon

    Advancing a Circular Economy

    We will advance a circular economy by delivering solutions that close the resource loops in key markets.
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  • Safe Materials for a Sustainable Planet icon

    Safe Materials for a Sustainable Planet

    We envision a future where every material we bring to market is sustainable for our people and our planet.
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  • World-Leading Operations Performance icon

    World-Leading Operations Performance

    Dow applies business decision processes to complete projects that increase business value and are better for ecosystems.We will maintain world-leading operations performance in natural resource efficiency, environment, health, and safety.
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  • Delivering breakthrough innovations icon

    Delivering breakthrough innovations

    We will deliver breakthrough sustainable chemistry innovations that enhance the well-being of humanity.
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  • Valuing nature icon

    Valuing nature

    We apply a business-decision process that values nature, which will deliver business value and natural capital value. We are committed to projects that are good for the company—and better for ecosystems.
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  • Engaging for Impact icon

    Engaging for Impact: Communities, Employees, Customers

    Our people worldwide will directly apply their passion and expertise to advance the well-being of people and the planet.
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