Dow Canada Indigenous Inclusion

indigenous canada

Dow Canada Indigenous Inclusion Policy artwork by Kristy North Peigan.

Dow Canada Indigenous Inclusion Policy

Dow Canada is committed to leading with inclusion, elevating our focus on diversity, and embedding equity into our practices, policies and processes. We acknowledge the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada; specifically Call to Action #92 which encourages Corporate Canada to recognize the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) as a framework for reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Canadians. Call to Action #92 further directs businesses to help advance reconciliation through employment, cultural awareness, business relationships, and respectful engagement.

As part of a global company seeking to become the most inclusive materials science company in the world and as a member of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada (CIAC), Dow Canada seeks to authentically, respectfully, and equitably advance Indigenous inclusion in our operating areas.

Applying the following guiding principles across our Canadian operations, we will identify opportunities for meaningful Indigenous inclusion:

Connect with Indigenous talent both within and outside of Dow so that our workforce reflects the communities in which we operate and everyone has an equal opportunity to thrive.

Enhance cultural awareness to build greater understanding of the unique history and experiences of Indigenous Peoples in Canada and opportunities to advance social justice through reconciliation.

Support Indigenous economic inclusion through inclusive purchasing processes for Indigenous suppliers.

Respectfully engage Indigenous communities in alignment with CIAC’s Responsible Care Accountability Code, which outlines expectations for pro-active engagement with Indigenous communities near manufacturing facilities, including respect for their unique history, cultures, and rights.

Contribute to Indigenous organizations and initiatives through financial contributions and employee engagement to help create resilient and prosperous communities.

About the Dow Canada Indigenous Inclusion Policy Artwork

Dow tradeshow boothThe colours used in this piece are inspired by shades of the Dow Indigenous Network logo palette to create a peaceful and surreal work to evoke healing, trust, and home. This piece combines many elements that reference Treaty 7 teachings to not only educate about the land we reside on but also to carry forward these traditional teachings into a futuristic space. The art was created by digital painting in Photoshop, much like how one would paint on a canvas. The juxtaposition of traditional teachings painted with pixels is also part of the storytelling and conceptualization of this work. Futurism and technology are something we are all a part of as modern peoples, but we must also strive to retain the traditional teachings to aid in our human and spiritual connection with ourselves and each other.

Artist Bio

Kristy North Peigan is a Piikani/Peigan First Nation member and a freelance artist and designer in Calgary, AB. She is an Alberta University of the Arts graduate with a Bachelor of Visual Communications Design in Illustration. Kristy is an artist with a surreal and futuristic style that juxtaposes digital painting with oils on canvas for her works. She uses Indigenous teachings and subject matter to portray a modern view of Indigenous voices in portraits and surreal spaces. Kristy continues her work as a freelance artist and designer, props maker, education facilitator, youth facilitator, and costume maker. She hopes to continue adding new professional endeavors and experiences to her artistic practice.